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Frasi che contengono la parola observed

in humans for the carcinogenicity of chromium (VI) compounds. Chromium (VI) compounds cause cancer of the lung. Also positive associations have been observed between exposure to Chromium (VI) compounds and cancer of the nose and nasal sinuses. There is

che ne lodava l'abnegazione (When all the medical officers have retired for the night (...) she may be observed alone, with a little lamp in her hand, making her solitary rounds) e che fu reso popolare dalla poesia

. This flare was thousands of times more powerful than the greatest observed solar flare. But because EV Lacertae is much farther from Earth than the sun, the flare did not appear as bright as a solar flare. Still, it was the brightest flare ever seen from a star other than the sun.

Illustration of the phenomena that occur from the interaction of highly energetic electrons with matter, also depicting the pear shape interaction volume which is typically observed in this type of interactions.

. In uniform motion there appear to be two variables: the object being observed, and the observer. You can change the velocity of the object, giving it a new uniform velocity with respect to the observer, or the observer can change his velocity, giving himself a new uniform velocity with respect to the object. As it turns out, the results of those changes are

that no persons, especially no religious, may be provided to cathedral churches which are deprived of temporal goods, without which spiritual things cannot exist for long, and which lack both clergy and Christian people. We renew this constitution, and we will and command that it must be observed inviolably unless we shall judge otherwise for some just reason to be approved in our secret consistory

The video illustrates an experimental investigation performed on steel samples, i.e. tensile steel testing. It is to be noted that the video was obtained using the pictures shot during the test, and the test was not performed that fast. results are shown in the end in terms of stress-strain curves for each of the three tested steel samples. The final elongation can be observed from the comparison between the tested samples and the additional untested sample.

The Standard Model, which is now the prevailing model of particle physics, dramatically simplified this picture by showing that most of the observed particles were mesons, which are combinations of two quarks, or baryons which are combinations of three quarks, plus a handful of other particles. The particles being seen in the ever-more-powerful accelerators were, according to the theory, typically nothing more than combinations of these quarks.

Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.



Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

05 Gennaio 2022
