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Frasi che contengono la parola mailing

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from December, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from January, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from February, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from March, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from April, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

, riunisce sotto un unico tetto aziende operanti in tutto il mondo, specializzate in: produzione di macchine, fornitura di tecnologie e servizi per l'industria di trasformazione e confezionamento di prodotti in tissue (Business Unit Tissue) e per l'igiene (Business Unit Hygiene), soluzioni mailing (Business Unit Mail Solutions) e intralogistica (Business Unit Intralogistics). Le aziende che ne fanno parte sono: Aberle, Baltic Elektronik,

Report news from your home-wiki or from your personal experience when using the wiki. Most news can be found on public mailing lists and specific pages on the main wikis. But frequently I, Walter, find interesting global-wikimedia news in the village pump of my home-wiki, WikipediaNL. Or discover by pure luck changes to the behavior of the software.

Me lo garantisce il contesto in qui si trova la parola dubbia e il confronto con un'altra fonte che non posso usare (nel caso specifico, un lungo articolo sul neopaganesimo polacco pescato da una mailing-list). --

Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.



Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

11 Gennaio 2022
