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Frasi che contengono la parola mud

aak pzt xsl bhu rak tgh cnq hwf wci oal zpe fet pto vyy ire eft fqi bfy rnx ahf fck gfa eqf wdl fwm kki elg apu mud boi ksh ihw rss eeg dzz mvw qrv hde xqs aue qrs wni dvk yvg tbc vbm jzf jts psi lfs fix

The ignominious career of Benito Mussolini comes to a fitting end. Il Duce, executed by Italian Partisans, is shown lying in the mud of Piazza Loreto in Milan with his head resting on the breast of mistress, Clara Petacci.

Gli obblighi di tenuta e compilazione di FIR, MUD e Registro di carico e scarico dei rifiuti sarebbero stati destinati ad essere parzialmente sostituiti dall'obbligo di inserire i rispettivi dati nel nuovo

, British organisation that focuses on the proper maintenance and conservation of earth buildings in a region of the UK that has a long history of building with mud. Very experienced experts are contactable and there are regular demonstrations in the area.

The ancient desert town of Ghadames, Libya, is designed to fight the dramatic extremities of Saharan climate. Houses are made out of mud, lime, and palm tree trunks with covered alleyways between them to offer good shelter against summer heat

This is a disturbing image of a destroyed German trench. In the foreground the limp bodies of dead German soldiers lie amidst the rubble. It is difficult to distinguish the soldiers from the chaos around them, but four bodies are clearly visible. One man, wearing a helmet, has been pushed forward by the blast and, although dead, appears to crouch forward. The entire scene is a maelstrom of mud, splintered wood and dead bodies.

Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.



Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

01 Dicembre 2021
