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Frasi che contengono la parola gender

Susceptibility to periportal (Symmers) fibrosis in human schistosoma mansoni infections: evidence that intensity and duration of infection, gender, and inherited factors are critical in disease progression.

Consiglio regionale delle Marche - Assemblea legislativa - UN FUTURO PER LA FERROVIA FANO - URBINO. Seduta del Consiglio regionale dedicata esclusivamente all'esame di interrogazioni e di mozioni. Tra i temi affrontati anche la situazione dei primari a Torrette, la ferrovia Fano - Urbino, la crisi della CNH di Jesi, l'ideologia gender nelle scuole marchigiane e il deficit finanziario delle Province di Ascoli Piceno e Fermo

), abbiano introdotto nel dibattito pubblico una lettura distorta delle teorie del genere, con toni aggressivi ed allarmistici (affermando ad esempio che la teoria del gender condurrebbe all'insegnamento della

Gender-based Violence Initiative: A project of the Reproductive Health for Refugees Consortium designed to improve international and local capacity to address gender-based violence (GBV) among refugee and internally displaced populations

Julia Bruggemann: Prostitution, Sexuality, and Gender Roles in Imperial Germany: Hamburg, A Case Study; in Genealogies of Identity, Interdisciplinary readings on sex and sexuality. Peters F (ed.) Rodopi, Amsterd

While gender based violence has recently emerged as a salient topic in the international community, it has been framed principally with respect to violence against women and girls, particularly sexual violence. Emphasizing the issues most important to the humanitarian assistance community, I propose a broad definition that distinguishes sexual violence against men and women from other forms of gender based violence. Second, I argue that gender-based violence against men (including rape, forced conscription, forced refoulement, and sex-selective massacre) must be recognized and addressed by civilian protection agencies such as the ICRC and UNHCR. The imperative is two-fold. First, men deserve protection against these abuses in their own right. Second, the reduction of gender-based-violence against women and girls cannot occur without participation from men, nor can their particular vulnerabilities in conflict situations be separated from the forms of violence to which men are specifically vulnerable.

, un articolo che ha fatto scalpore per la propria proposta (Gender Based Taxation) di tassare le donne in modo minore rispetto agli uomini. Questo provvedimento non avrebbe costi sulle casse dello stato e dovrebbe - secondo gli autori - contribuire al raggiungimento delle

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

10 Gennaio 2022
