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Frasi che contengono la parola gut

(GUT) propongono infatti processi di non conservazione del numero barionico, tra cui proprio il decadimento del protone. Studiando questo eventuale fenomeno sarebbe possibile indagare una regione energetica attualmente irraggiungibile (circa

of krill where you can click into details of the animal to get higher magnifications, like the gills, the feeding basket or the swimming legs, up to raster electron and transmission electron images, also some videos - there are many links to jumpoff sites for educators, like from the SCIENCE MAGAZINE. In natural hovering position - the red organs produce the bioluminescence - the hepatopancreas is filled with green phytoplankton, the food of krill, the strait gut in the back is filled with the empty shells of phytoplankton - in the front you see the

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

09 Luglio 2021
