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Licensing notice: Each copy or modified version that you distribute must include a licensing notice stating that the work is released under CC BY-SA and either a) a hyperlink or URL to the text of the license or b) a copy of the license. For this purpose, a suitable URL is:

Furthermore, with the exceptions of photographs reproducing otherwise copyrighted works of art, and photographs inserted into a work of study or art and produced only for the purpose of inclusion within said work, photographs or other works of a similar form to photography either published or produced in negative

are not articulated as structures in the nature of things, neither as immanent nor as transcendent forms. In this situation the reader is free to assume either that the author of these dialogues has not yet decided on an ontological interpretation for his definienda, or that he has chosen to reserve this task for other dialogues, such as the

Corrective ophthalmic appliances may be contact lenses, spectacles lenses, low vision aids or ophthalmic prosthetics to those who are partially sighted. The appliances are mounted either on the eye as

Since the legal status of the above comment has been questioned, I hereby grant anyone the right to treat it as either a standard copyright notice, invariant section, legal statement, legal advice, friendly suggestion or a mere comment, depending on his or hers own choice.

Most creationists are simply people who choose to believe that God created the world-either as described in Scripture or through evolution. Creation scientists, by contrast, strive to use legitimate scientific means both to argue against evolutionary theory and to prove the creation account as described in Scripture.

Thus we see that whilst Egypt originated the three shapes of Sword-blades -straight, curved, and half-curved- the rest of Africa invented positively nothing in hoplology. Negroids and negroes either borrowed their weapons from Egypt or imported them from beyond the sea. Intertropical africa never imagined an alphabet, a plough, or a Sword.

Our Sun is unusual in that it is alone - most stars occur in multiple or binary systems. In a binary system, the higher mass star will evolve faster and will eventually become a compact object - either a white dwarf star, a neutron star, or black hole. When the lower mass star later evolves into an expansion phase, it may be so close to the compact star that its outer atmosphere actually falls onto the compact star. Such is the case diagrammed above (artwork). Here gas from a blue giant star is shown being stripped away into an accretion disk around its compact binary companion. Gas in the accretion disk swirls around, heats up, and eventually falls onto the compact star. Extreme conditions frequently occur on the surface of the compact star as gas falls in, many times causing detectable X-rays, gamma-rays, or even cataclysmic novae explosions. Studying the extreme conditions in these systems tells us about the inner properties of ordinary matter around us.

The Speaker, or the chair, after having called the attention of the House, or of the committee, to the conduct of a Member who persists in irrelevance, or tedious repetition either of his own arguments or of the arguments used by other Members in debate, may direct him to discontinue his speech.

: This image is highly speculative. the source cited by fotw is not a reliabls scholarly reference. This image should not be added to articles about the Mongol Empire. If it is added anyway, then its speculative nature must be a clearly indicated. Note that fotw is based on user contributions like Wikipedia, and hence not authoritative either.

. I hope to count with your support in this project and would like to invite you to join us if you participate in Wikimania. In case of any doubts, please feel free to contact me, either in my talk pages or by e-mail at

This is therefore to give notice that all persons who may be disposed to migrate from the United States, will with their families, be received on board of His Majesty's ships or vessels of War, or at the military posts that may be established upon or near the coast of the United States, when they will have their choice of either entering into His Majesty's sea or land forces, or of being sent as free settlers to the British possessions in North America or the West Indies where they will meet with due encouragement.

I normally would not convert text to path, but the specific comic font is (seemingly) no longer available on Wikimedia server (either formal or wmflabs). The text is hidden by fill-opacity in case the comic font is re-installed.

Yeah. Sylvarant's mana is flowing to Tethe'alla. Therefore, Sylvarant is in decline. Without mana, crops won't grow and magic becomes unusable. If there is no mana, the Summon Spirits that protect the world alongside the Goddess Martel can't survive in Sylvarant either. As a result, the world slips even further down the path of destruction./

, the French had captured and occupied the town. The French built monuments in the town. During archaeological excavations, many ancient statues were either left in Cherchell, or taken to museums in Algiers or

Most universities and colleges being state institutions, the rector is appointed by Government. The appointment is for six years, renewable for two times three years. However, while directors general of all other departments and authorities are parachuted from above, no rector will be appointed without the board of the university's recommendation. This, in turn, will be based on the opinion of lektors, professors and students. A formal account of the hearing process, including aspects of equal opportunity, is part of the recommendation sent to the Government. Rektors will hold the rank of lektor or higher. The private colleges follow a very similar procedure, but with appointment being made either by Government or by the board itself.

Hi Bayo, thank you very much for fixing the map in subject: I have appreciated your prompt intervention very much. The very same problem affects multiple maps of France (for example: all the maps representing the French Departements) and these are being increasingly spread around in other Wikipedias, either by transferring through Commons, or by copying them directly from the French Wikipedia. Albeit we can be quite sure that most Europeans would be not very easily mislead by these maps - which could be inappuntable if they simply carried a separation line to indicate that Corsica was removed from its real place for graphical purposes (in order to reduce the whole space needed to represent the whole Metropolitan area of France) - I am afraid that the same can be not said for the great majority of potential Wikipedia users, which would be from non-Europeans countries. Therefore, although involuntarily, we wikipedians are not best serving and actually misleading them about French - and European - geographic reality. This is why I am particularly grateful about your prompt reply. I would be even more grateful in the case you would be so kind to take care of spreading my message through the French Wikipedia, which apparently is the most important source for these misleading maps. I have already made several attempts to raise the problem, but so far no one seemed to care about it, before you did. One last thing, if I can: I noticed that you were forced to increase substantially your image in order to add the separation line; once again I respectfully invite you to give a further look at the image I fixed in Commons (by adding the separation line without shifting Corsica from the original):

Powerleveling in MMORPG's can also refer to two other things. In one case multiple people play the same character in order to level up quicker, there are even some online services which will do this for money. This practice is highly looked down upon both by players and the game companies. The other form involves a higher level character following a lower level character around and helping them defeat monsters either higher level than they normally could or at a much faster pace. This practice is still looked down on by some.

Thus, every ordinal is either zero, or a successor (of a well-defined predecessor), or a limit. This distinction is important, because many definitions by transfinite induction rely upon it. Very often, when defining a function

Emergency Medicine encompasses a large amount of general medicine but involves virtually all fields of medicine including the surgical sub-specialties. Emergency physicians are tasked with seeing a large number of patients, treating their illnesses and arranging for disposition - either admitting them to the hospital or releasing them after treatment as necessary. The emergency physician requires a broad field of knowledge and advanced procedural skills often including surgical procedures, trauma resuscitation, advanced cardiac life support and advanced airway management. Emergency physicians ideally have the skills of many specialists - the ability to manage a difficult airway (anesthesia), suture a complex laceration (plastic surgery), reduce (set) a fractured bone or dislocated joint (orthopedic surgery), treat a heart attack (internist), work-up a pregnant patient with vaginal bleeding (Obstetrics and Gynecology), and stop a bad nosebleed (ENT).

Nicholson's style was known to be poppy and original, and was often featured in a song with either no backing or guitar chords in the background. When this wasn't the case, the bass usually followed the lead guitar with slight or no variation.

Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.



Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

12 Gennaio 2022
