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Frasi che contengono la parola christmas

No liturgical historian, whatever her or his position on the concrete causes of the development and institution of the Christmas feast, goeas as far as to deny that it has any sort of relationship with the sun, the winter solsitce and the popularity of solar worship in the later Roman Empire

The specific nature of the relation of Christmas to the then-contemporary feast of the birth of the sun, Natali Solis Invicti, has up to now not been conclusively proven from extant texts, no matter how much some sort of relation might make perfect sense

. Mentre Lee e Sixx collaborarono inizialmente con Lizzie Grey dei London, decidendo di fondare un progetto chiamato Christmas, prima di cercare un frontman ed un chitarrista. I due si imbatterono nel chitarrista

... We have a loss in not having Dr. Pococke here this Christmas, as we expected. The conversation of a man of letters, and a traveller, is very agreeable in the country. Now I am out of the sphere of attraction of the great city of London, I am as well pleased to hear of some custom at Constantinople as of a new fashion in London; and the Nile is as much my thought as the Thames...

, per festeggiare il venticinquesimo anniversario del singolo Heavy Christmas, la band decide di ri-registrare questa canzone ed altre, con la partecipazione del cantante storico Jocke Lundholm e l'aiuto del produttore

Dopo la cessazione del contratto discografico torna al suo primo amore, la musica dal vivo: ancora oggi si esibisce con le sue formazioni in locali di tutta Italia. (Per informazioni: CHRISTMAS IN JAZZ

After covering Australia, The Berzerker toured the US with Immolation, Vader and Origin, then travelled to the UK for a headlining tour with Labrat, Insision and Red Harvest. This culminated in an infamous Earache Christmas Party appearance, where the band terrorised both record label and the audience. This exceptionally violent and drunken performance was captured on the DVD

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

05 Gennaio 2022
